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Home > Films > Exhibitionist Cinema 06

Exhibitionist Cinema 06


Public nude, CFNF and CMNF video clips from the movies.


Stripping schoolgirls (NSFW).

Ano (Miko Mibu) is a Japanese schoolgirl with a saucy secret: she likes to roam around on school premises partially or fully naked with the risk of discovery at any moment proving to be a thrill seeker's heaven for her in The Exposure of Ano. When her school friends learn of her surreptitious exhibitionism they demonstrate their solidarity by joining her on one of her naughty naked expeditions and what an enchanting sight they are.


Exhibitionism: The Musical (NSFW).

Here is a video of Rockbitch, my all time favourite girl band, in action performing Holy for an enraptured audience. These saucy sirens not only performed in states of undress but also indulged in on stage sex acts (sometimes involving lucky members of the audience) until the self appointed arbiters of morality finally got them banned from appearing anywhere with even their cinematic magnum opus Bitchcraft now being all but unobtainable. It seems our liberal 21st Century society is strangely intolerant of women who manifest unrestrained sexual appetites. Do I detect the fetid whiff of double standards? Surely not.


A strange strippergram (NSFW).

Many strippergrams have acts which involve peeling off uniforms of one kind or another. We are all familiar with stripping police officers (of which there are couple of examples on page 4), nurses and so forth. This routine, from the 1977 film Red Nights of the Gestapo, seems to be aimed at what I imagine would be a rather niche market. Of course if this video gets a lot of views I may have to revise that opinion.


Dopey exhibitionist (NSFW).

This clip from the 1978 remake of The Big Sleep features Candy Clark as pampered heiress Camilla Sternwood who has fallen prey to a blackmailer whose cunning plan is to persuade her to get naked for a photo shoot while she is on one of her habitual drug binges and then use the resulting saucy photos as leverage to extort money from her family. Considering that Candy is naked for the photographer, then a villainous fellow and finally a private detective who arrives too late to save the day we are treated to three CMNF scenes for the price of one which seems like quite a bargain to me.


Devout exhibitionism (NSFW).

Organised religion isn't usually my thing but this sect, featured in the splendidly nonsensical 1991 film The Holy Virgin vs the Evil Dead, has an article of faith which grabbed my attention as I'm sure it will grab yours in that its ceremonies feature oodles of bare babes. I suspect many people who are normally not at home to God botherers would happily invite some unclothed emissaries from this church into their homes to expound their views. Their pamphlets probably make for interesting reading too.


Whore racing from the Vatican (NSFW).

This clip is actually from the TV series The Borgias rather than a film but I trust you will enjoy it none the less for that. It depicts a putative event during the papacy of Rodrigo Borgia (as Alexander VI) in which a whore race was organised for his entertainment. Whatever the truth of the matter there is no doubt that Rodrigo was a most pervy pontiff who is known to have fathered numerous illegitimate children and I've no doubt that such a lusty fellow would have enjoyed the sight of a bunch of girls getting nude in public for a raunchy sporting spectacle and I'm confident that you will too.


Exhibitionism in the workplace (NSFW).

I'm sure you will all applaud the entrepreneurial spirit shown by the owner of this hair salon in the 1972 film Lehrmadchen Report. With all those unfettered boobies on display who wouldn't want to drop in for for a quick CMNF rinse and blow dry? One would have thought there would be a global franchise of such places by now but, try as I might, I have never been able to find a single one.


Artistic exhibitionism: Liv Tyler pops out a boob (NSFW).

Art house movies don't usually float my boat but one exception to the rule is Stealing Beauty from 1996. The main reason for this is Liv Tyler being utterly adorable as the film's central character, Lucy Harmon, who rocks up at an artistic commune in Tuscany where she soon captivates the denizens with her pert and perky pulchritude. Here she is popping out a boob (for purely artistic reasons, of course) which soon attracts quite an audience. She also shows us her other boob in another scene but I shall leave it to you to watch the film for yourself and decide which one is your favourite.


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