Exhibitionist Cinema 07
Another bevy of bare babes in CMNF and public nude scenes from films and TV.
A contrite exhibitionist (NSFW).
In the 1976 blaxsploitation movie Black Shampoo hairdresser Mr Jonathon drives his clientele of married women wild with his impressive attributes until matters take a sinister turn when one of his employees, Brenda (Tanya Boyd), becomes embroiled with some unsavoury underworld types. When Mr Jonathan drives the villains out of his establishment as they try to abduct her they return in the dead of night and trash the place. Consumed with guilt at all the trouble she has caused her noble benefactor, Brenda seeks to make amends by taking all her clothes off amidst the wreckage. One might have hoped that this scene would start a fad for guilt ridden girls to express their remorse through the medium of striptease but, alas, we live in an imperfect world.
Exhibitionist babes strip each other for a lucky guy (NSFW).
The 1966 film Blow Up follows the fortunes of a fashion photographer in Swinging London who somehow becomes jaded with the endless round of sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll which make up his life. In this scene two wannabe models (Jane Birkin and Gillian Hills) turn up at his studio and soon make it clear that they are fully prepared to model nude as they set about ripping each other's clothes off for for his entertainment. How any chap could grow weary of such a lifestyle is truly beyond my comprehension.
CFNF strip show: teacher strips for schoolgirls (NSFW).
One problem which often afflicts members of the teaching profession is an inability to hold the attention of the class. This teacher, in a clip from Kekko Kamen Royale, has come up with a novel approach to such situations: she takes off all of her clothes which leaves her students not just attentive but absolutely delirious with joy. One can only wonder why more teachers don't avail themselves of such an effective technique.
CFNF and CMNF scenes from The Unnamable Returns (NSFW).
In the H P Lovecraft inspired horror flick The Unnamable Returns a demonically possessed girl named Alyda Winthrop (Maria Ford) has been entombed for over 300 years until the film's heroes banish the demon and set her free. Having brought her to safety their next task is to persuade her to wear some clothes as it seems interred babes have little use for such trappings, although her protracted inhumation has allowed her hair to grow to great length, thereby providing a modicum of modesty (but it seems strange that her head hair should continue to grow unabated while her body hair doesn't; surely she ought to look like a Wookie). This results in Alyda quite happily roaming around stark naked in front of a selection of Miskatonic University's bemused students in a cute display of cinematic exhibitionism.
Saucy Susan: a double bill (NSFW).
The 1970s marked the zenith of exhibitionist cinema with a host of bodacious babes competing with one another for the most undressed exposure on the big screen and one of my favourite exhibitionists from those times was Susan Penhaligon. Here are a couple of clips of her in action to illustrate her allure. The first is taken from The Last Chapter in which she plays a coquettish young minx who sets about distracting a successful author while he is trying to go about his trade in peace. Not surprisingly the chap in question is so distracted by this brazen CMNF display that he sets out in pursuit of the topless tease as she flits through the surrounding woodland with her bijou boobies bouncing beguilingly only to discover that the effects of advancing middle age and a sedentary lifestyle leave him floundering hopelessly in her wake. The moral of the tale is clear: always keep yourself in shape as you never know when you might find yourself chasing a bare breasted temptress through the woods.
This clip is taken from the 1971 film Under Milk Wood in which Susan, lacking a human audience for her exhibitionistic urges, displays her boobs to some goats on a Welsh clifftop in what is clearly a very nippy breeze. Some goats have all the luck.
A rather rude rehearsal (NSFW).
The plot of the 1972 Hammer Horror film Demons of the Mind involves a mad baron who lives in his baronial manor with his two psychotic children who are cared for by their deranged aunt with the whole unhinged family being stalked by an insane vicar who spends his days trying to organise a pitchfork brigade to unleash on the aristocratic nut jobs. One day a doctor turns up claiming he can cure the bonkers baron’s barking mad offspring. Unfortunately the doctor turns out to be, as you may have guessed, completely unhinged. His therapy involves convincing the psychotic siblings that their dead mother has returned from the grave and to this end he hires village girl Inge (played by Virginia Wetherell) as a dead mum impersonator. To make her look the part she is given a haircut by the insane aunt who first strips her completely naked while the deranged doctor (who, we must assume, has a nude haircut fetish) watches on in a suitably creepy mad medic fashion. Surely such a plan couldn't possibly go awry, could it?
An exhibitionist au pair girl (NSFW).
When au pair Anita (Astrid Frank) arrives at the home of her host family she just can't wait to freshen up in the saucy 1970s comedy Au Pair Girls. So keen is she that she strips completely naked before getting all wet and soapy in front of the household. Clearly Anita is just the sort of domestic help that no home should be without.