Strange Cinema 02
Videos of bizarre, funny and sexy scenes from the movies.
A strange Rorschach test (NSFW).
The Rorschach ink blot test has long been used by psychologists as a tool to gain insights into a person's psyche. In this clip from Cloistered Nun: Runa's Confession a lady takes a decidedly eccentric approach to the Rorschach test. I wonder what subconscious stirrings it might awaken in you.
Some stimulating showgirls (NSFW).
There are some strange tourist attractions scattered around the world and this one, from 1976's Black Velvet, is not just strange but sexy too. Tourists Laura and Pina, played by Laura Gemser and Annie Belle, are visiting Egypt when they are invited to take in a floor show with a difference as some bare babes put on a CFNF lesbian sex exhibition for them. Not surprisingly, the two tourists find this show so stimulating that they hasten back to their hotel to indulge in some sweet lesbian loving of their own.
A public spanking.
While this clip will likely seem strange to modern eyes, for many years it was considered a chap's inalienable right to chastise a wayward spouse with a sound spanking. In the 1963 western McLintock! shrewish wife Katherine (Maureen O'Hara) gets the treatment after being chased through the town in her underwear by her long suffering husband to the great joy of the assembled townsfolk (including her own daughter). Indeed, spanked female bottoms were once a mainstay of the cinema and, should you doubt my word, you can find a wealth of information on the subject here.
A forgotten art.
Tassel tossing used to be a highly popular form of entertainment. There were even tassel tossing contests including world championships. Then, for reasons which escape me, this exquisite art form fell from favour. I, for one, would love to see a tassel tossing revival and after seeing this demonstration by Cassandra Peterson (as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark) I think you will too.
The Dong of Doom.
For some reason the future, as portrayed in the movies, is dystopian more often than not. A Clockwork Orange, released in 1971, gives its dystopia a surreal and darkly humorous twist as antihero Alex DeLarge (brilliantly portrayed by Malcolm McDowell) and his chums terrorise society with random acts of gratuitous untraviolence. This scene features the young scamp in what turns out to be a fateful encounter with a crazy cat lady.
Daydreaming done right (NSFW).
An artist (Julie Graham) finds herself constantly drifting off into daydreams about naked girls in the 1991 short film Rosebud. Perhaps you think there's nothing strange about that but I understand that there are many people in the world who are unfortunate enough not to find themselves being haunted by visions of bare babes at all hours. Should you be one of that unhappy band try watching the video a few times and then closing your eyes for a bit. It could be just the nudge that your imagination needs.
Lesbians on acid (NSFW).
The rise of the use of LSD as a recreational drug in the 1960s led to the authorities launching campaigns to put a stop to such activities. Here, for example, is a film made in 1969 called Alice in Acidland which highlights the dangers of LSD use as the central character, Alice Trenton (Sheri Jackson), starts hanging out with a bunch of acid users only to find her life descending into a mire of depravity. One side effect of LSD use, according to the film, is that it can turn heterosexual girls into lesbians. Indeed, it asserts that lesbians unscrupulously use LSD to seduce unsuspecting girls as we can see in this scene where predatory lesbian Frieda (Julia Blackburn) persuades Alice to take acid as a prelude to luring her into the bath for some soapy sapphic shenanigans. Oh, the humanity.