Strange Cinema 05
More bizarre and risque video clips from the movies.
A witch's curse.
As rational 21st Century humans most of us would likely scoff at supernatural stuff and nonsense such as curses but as this clip from The Pit and the Pendulum makes plain a resourceful witch like Mistress Esmeralda (Frances Bay) can make her curses strike down those who irk her with dramatic effect.
A wizard has an awkward moment (NSFW).
The success of the original Conan the Barbarian movie in the early 1980s spawned a host of imitations, mostly of the cheap and cheesy variety. Red Sonja, made in 1985, at least didn't take itself too seriously as we can see in this clip where evil Queen Gedrun calls upon her wizard to check out a potential threat by means of his magic mirror. Unfortunately the dirty old diabolist still has some saucy visions he was perusing earlier in mirror memory, giving rise to an awkward interlude. The moral of this clip is clear: even a master of spells and shadows should clear his magic mirror browsing history frequently to avoid embarrassment.
A trip to the zoo (NSFW).
While a visit to a zoo may not strike you as the most exciting day out this zoo, which features in the saucy '70s drama Swedish Wildcats, offers its patrons an altogether more interesting alternative to the usual succession of bored looking animals in their enclosures, for this is a menagerie of body painted babes role playing animals. Now that's what I call a fun day out.
An odd execution (NSFW).
The Monty Python team certainly produced many fine examples of strange cinema (and television) in their day. To illustrate the point here is a clip from the 1983 film Monty Python's Meaning of Life in which a condemned prisoner has been allowed to chose the method of his own execution. I think that there can be little doubt that he has made a truly inspired choice.
Swanky samurai sword skills (NSFW).
Samurai chaps are very keen on honour. Offending a samurai's sense of honour can land someone in all sorts of trouble as a schoolgirl learns to her cost in this scene from Kekko Kamen Royale.
A perky petgirl put through her paces (NSFW).
Bereaved pet owners Philip and Mary hit upon an unusual way of coping with the loss of their furry friends which involves Mary (Andrea Edmondson) becoming Philip's petgirl in the 2005 film The Pet. In this scene the pair attend a gathering of pet owners and their respective petgirls and petboys whereupon Mary, now renamed GG (Good Girl), wins the hearts of all present who proclaim her Best in Show in what is, so far as I know, the only mainstream film to date which presents a sympathetic portrayal of consensual pet play and its adherents.
Saucy space babes on a rampage (NSFW).
Here is another clip from the 1960s, that golden age of strange cinema (and of consuming vast amounts of powerful mind altering substances, which is probably no coincidence). This one is taken from the 1969 film Zeta One which is all about a group of feminist space babes from the planet Angvia (no prizes for guessing that's an anagram of) who send their agents to planet Earth to recruit girls to join the battle for female emancipation. When one of their number is captured by the patriarchy the Angvians at once organise a rescue mission involving a crack squad of near naked female space warriors.