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Home > Films > Tits of Fury 02

Tits of Fury 02


More videos of girls in nude fight scenes from martial arts movies.


Shower surprise ninja action (NSFW).

Ninja film fans will be well aware that ninjas are inexorably attracted to wet soapy women. In the 1986 ninja nonsense classic Golden Ninja Warrior there is a variation on the theme as a would be assassin tries to sneak up on naked ninja babe Sherri (Queenie Yang) while she is showering. Sherri wastes no time in unleashing her CMNF martial skills on the interloper.


Kung fu strip fight (NSFW).

Hard though it may be to believe, this clip is taken from a genuine martial arts film and not a kung fu based sketch from The Benny Hill Show. The film in question is Firecracker from 1981 in which the heroine, Susanne Carter (Jillian Kesner), employs her karate skills to take down a gang of heroine smugglers while shedding her clothes on a regular basis. Here's a sample of the CMNF fun on offer.


Trainee tits of fury (NSFW).

While a bare breasted babe would be a tricky opponent for many of us on account of the distraction factor of those unfettered funbags bouncing about she would still require a degree of martial training to unleash her tits of fury to their best advantage. Here is one such perky pugilist honing her skills and I think you will concede it is a challenge to keep your attention focused on her fists.


Naked ninja babes (NSFW).

If you like your martial arts movies awash with gratuitous bloodshed, boobs and bums then I can warmly recommend the Bohachi Bushido films. Here are a couple of clips from the first one, Code of the Forgotten Eight Virtues, featuring a bevy of bare babes in martial arts action. First up we see the naked ninja babes returning from a mission when they are ambushed by a ninja from a rival clan. This chap demonstrates some truly awesome martial arts focus to best the naughty ninja nymphets: were I to find myself in such a situation I would surely perish, being far too distracted by all those jiggling tits of fury to adequately defend myself.

Having been rescued from their attacker by the hero (or, more accurately, anti-hero) the bare babes send one of their number to seek medical help. Instead, she uses her martial arts skills to abduct a foreign nun for some lesbian bondage shenanigans. When her comrades discover her duplicity they are not best pleased, leading to some naked ninja babe versus naked ninja babe martial arts mayhem.


Bare babe versus ninjas (NSFW).

As anyone who has watched a lot of low budget martial arts movies will tell you, ninjas are inexorably drawn to wet, naked, soapy babes. Here is a fine example of that very thing from the staggeringly silly 1986 offering Ninja Final Duel with the heroine, Peng Yi (Alice Tseng), having a relaxing soak only to have her ablutions rudely interrupted by a posse of nasty ninjas. Of course, naked soapy babes are very distracting, thereby giving them the upper hand when confronted by ninjas and Peng Yi is no exception as she easily fends off the disconcerted CMNF shadow warriors. The moral here is that one should always keep a few naked soaped up babes about the place in case of ninja attack. You know it makes sense.


Topless disco kung fu (NSFW)

In the pantheon of martial arts movies 1974's TNT Jackson stands out for starring a host of people who have clearly never had a martial arts lesson in their lives. This, of course, only makes it all the more entertaining as one ludicrous disco kung fu fight follows another. In this scene we get to witness some topless disco kung fu action as the titular heroine (played by Jeannie Bell) takes out a bunch of baddies wearing nothing but her knickers. The more eagle eyed viewers among you will notice that not only does she defeat her opponents with ease; she also manages to change her knickers not once but twice during the fight which must surely be the very pinnacle of disco kung fu technique.


An amazon army of bare breasted babes (NSFW).

When the titular antihero of the 1987 movie Cobra Verde is dispatched to Africa as an agent for a shady cartel he becomes embroiled in a plot to overthrow the local ruler. This coup is to be carried out by an army of bare breasted babes in order that their bouncing boobs will befuddle the king's bodyguard so much that they will be unable to protect their monarch. Cobra Verde is given the task of training this army of topless assassins and he soon transforms them from an undisciplined jiggling rabble into a highly disciplined fighting force whose boobies bounce in unison as they bear down on their hapless foes. I think this lucky sod may have landed the best job in the world, or if not it must be pretty damned close.


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