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Weird Videos 04


Yet more silly, sexy and surreal video clips.


Japan's got talent (NSFW).

Talent shows in Japan are way more entertaining than they are where I live.


Naked in class (NSFW).

Being disruptive in school is not always an antisocial act as we can see in this clip where a girl has the class in uproar by arriving at school almost completely naked. She certainly seems to have brightened up the day for all her classmates. 


Dressing down (NSFW).

When her family constantly disapprove of her wardrobe choices this woman decides to adopt a minimalist approach to clothing: a decision everyone will surely applaud.


Home made jet pack fail.

When I was a kid we were constantly being told that in the 21st Century everyone would be flying around with their own personal jet packs. What a pack of lies that turned out to be. This chap got fed up with waiting and decided to improvise his own. Well, full marks for effort I guess even if the result is not quite what he imagined.


Jingle boobs (NSFW).

Here is a soupcon of festive fun for you: an enthusiastic performance of Jingle Boobs by perky ponygirl Sadie Simone from the Shadowplayers archive.


A CFNF petgirl scene (NSFW).

No doubt everyone has, at some time, visited a friend or relative who owns a bothersome pet, resulting in some social awkwardness. In this clip, which I believe is taken from a video, a lady paying a visit is discombobulated by a petgirl who just wants to make friends. She even goes so far as to shoo the affectionate pet away which I find incomprehensible. Who would not want this adorable creature to jump onto their lap for lots of treats and petting? I guess there's just no accounting for taste.


Going out with a bang (NSFW).

Now this is what I call a Pyrrhic victory. It also provides yet more evidence that when it comes to weird videos Japan is an absolute world beater.


Vintage CMNF (NSFW).

CMNF is certainly nothing new as we can see in this clip which looks like it was probably made sometime in the 1940s in which a chap gets home from a hard day's work to be waited upon and pampered by a buxom housemaid who slowly disrobes as she goes about her duties. Surely we would all enjoy returning home to such a scene of domestic contentment.


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