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Weird Videos 06


Another clutch of bizarre, funny and sexy video clips.


Amazing talent (NSFW).

With this sort of ability I'm astonished she hasn't become a global superstar.


Extreme cosplaying.

For most of us cosplay is a bit of harmless fun but I fear this chap may have taken things a bit too far.


Strange seduction.

Being a shut-in is clearly not good for anyone's love life. Here we see one such misfortunate fellow from the 90s sitcom Game On being driven to extreme measures to secure an amorous encounter.


Life's a gas.

I had always assumed that a gas mask was supposed to keep the gas out but, if this video is anything to go by, that's a matter of personal taste. Or smell.


Just popping out.

Some visitors to a carnival in this scene from the 1974 film The Mutations are being entertained by a performer called Popeye. No prizes for guessing how he came by that name.


Oppai pen.

No office should be without oppai pen.


Cow charming.

We have all heard of snake charming but here is a rare example of cow charming. An impressive skill I'm sure you will agree.


Happy horse.

Should you ever find yourself in the company of a despondent horse you can always lighten the mood by presenting the unhappy ungulate with a rubber chicken. This makes for a very happy horse as we can see here.


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